How To Teach a Dog To Come When Called | Chewtorials

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Training a dog to come when called sets up a positive behavior that’ll keep them safe, while giving them the freedom to roam around. First thing: Gather your supplies. You’ll need a leash longer than 10 feet, a bunch of treats, along with plenty of patience and enthusiasm. Next, find a safe, quiet spot with few distractions, like the backyard, or somewhere in your home. This is key in making your puppy come to you each time.

Then, say your dog’s name, and tell them to come to you. When they approach you, treat them for a job well done. You can even surprise them with their favorite toy. These are important things to keep in mind when you train a dog to come, as they’ll link it with something good. Finally, try it several more times, aiming for 15-to-20-minute sessions each day, and practice whenever you can.

That’s how to teach a dog to come.

By following these simple steps, you can teach a dog to come with no trouble at all. Check out the latest in our series of Chewtorials to help you and your bestie conquer this command. And remember to shop at Chewy for everything you need to train a puppy to come when called.

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