help us reach the Oscars by watching this.. (scene from the film)

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We believe in a future where filmmakers don’t need big checks to make a big impact.

Thanks to 4212 people from 72 countries, Project Iceman became a reality and is eligible for Best Documentary Feature at the Oscars in 2023.

Studios spend massive amounts on campaigns to get their films to the Oscars, but we know that the power of community is far greater.

The next step is to get shortlisted. To do that, we need voters to hear about Project Iceman. Please help us reach the Academy voters by sharing this in any way shape or form you can.

It’s not about the award itself but rather the incredible platform that the Academy can allow for the message of “limitations are perceptions” to reach the ones all over the world who seek to connect with their inner voice and chase their wildest dreams.

With Love,
Yes Theory


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